Non Nuclear Density Gauges

Take Your Quality Control to the Next Level

Groff Tractor is a proud distributor of TransTech Systems non-nuclear density gauges. In addition to having the world’s first and leading non-nuclear asphalt (PQI 380) and soil (SDG 200) gauges, these devices are also the easiest to own and use density gauges in the world. Not only are these gauges lightweight and user friendly, but everything about the ownership experience is much easier when compared to any of the nuclear density gauges on the market. One of the main reasons for this is that, since these gauges are electrical, they do not contain any type of nuclear material. Therefore, TransTech gauge owners do not have to deal with badges, licenses or storage and transport concerns.

PQI 380

Non-Nuclear Asphalt Density Gauge

The TransTech Systems non-nuclear density gauge, the PQI 380, was designed to eliminate the safety, transport, storage and operation issues associated with nuclear technology. Introducing the PQI 380 non-nuclear density gauge into your asphalt paving quality control process can not only save you money but also help to produce longer-lasting, more sustainable pavements. The PQI 380 conforms to ASTM D7113 and AASHTO T 343-12.

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PQI 380 Non-Nuclear Asphalt Density Gauge

SDG 200

Non-Nuclear Soil Density Gauge

Density of compacted soil is the most important construction variable in the durability of soil sub-base for pavement, fills, and other construction applications. The Trans Tech SDG 200 is a self-contained unit that uses electromagnetic impedance spectroscopy to measure the density and moisture content of various unbound material. The SDG 200 conforms to ASTM D7830.

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SDG 200 Non-Nuclear Soil Density Gauge
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